Monday, March 7, 2011

the grace card.

"I promise to pray for you, ask your forgiveness and grant you the same, and be your friends always."--the grace card
After seeing The Grace Card (twice, might I add), I have learned so much about loving others. In the movie, there is a particular part that tocuhes me. It is convicting more so than anything else I have ever heard. It's about loving others. Not others as in family, friends, people you know. Those people are easy to love. Those are the ones God has given to you. They love you. So, of course, you love them. But the hard part is loving your enemy. The person that hurt your feelings. Truly hurt you. You know the one who was closest to you and knew exactly what would hurt you the most, but still did just that to you. On purpose even. That's the person that you don't love. You can't love. You won't love. But you must love.
Give them "the grace card." Grace is unmerited pardon. Grace is undeservable forgiveness. That person, your co-worker, fellow classmate, ex boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse, family member, or "frenemy" is who you hate (even though you may not want to use that word) the most. Hate is the opposite of love. If you have not given this person grace, you do not love them. We must pray for them. And not pray for vengeance or justice. No, PRAY for them. Pray that God will have His will and way in their life. Pray for them to have a good day. Pray for them to be happy and be joyful. Pray for peace. Give them "the grace card."
And the hardest part is to forgive them and ask them to forgive you. But you didn't do anything wrong? Of course you did, you used your time and heart to hold a grudge against them. You hated them for mistreating you. You hoped karma would get the best of them. That's not what we are supposed to do. So, yes, ask them to forgive you. And when you forgive them, REALLY forgive them. That means forgive and forget. Whatever wrongdoing they have done, forgive it and forget it. That means let it go. Shake it off. That is forgiving to the fullest.
Be there friend ALWAYS. You don't want to be their friend. I understand. Neither do I. They hurt me. Really hurt me. And they hurt you. But God says to be a friend. "A friend loveth at all times." Not sometimes, or the good times, or the fun times. But ALL times. So be there friend. Be there for them when they are in their darkest hour. They need you. It may not seem like it. But you can help them. Be their shoulder to lean on. Comfort them. Be there true friend.
So who is your person? The one that said a hurtful word, used some sort of prejudice slur, the one who broke your heart, stole from you, lied to you. Give that person "The Grace Card."

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