Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Out With the OId, In With the New

2012 is a year of many memories for me--some good and some bad. Isn't that what every year is about though? Learning new things, losing things, gaining things.  Whether it's materialistic or irreplaceable, each year brings new joys and new heartaches. That's just it though--that's life. Some years may seem worse than others. Some years may seem better than the rest. However, everyone can look back and find at least one mishap and one bright moment.

BUT here's the best part: a new year means just that...A NEW YEAR. You gain a fresh start--a new beginning. So all those resolution that you...(WE) set last year, if you failed or didnt make it all year, that's okay you get to start over. So set yourself new goals and ridiculous resolutions. But give yourself something to look forward to. Make sure at least one of your resolution is REALLY attainable. AND dream. Give yourself a resolution that would be a dream come true. Make a list of things you want to change or accomplish for this year. It's okay.  It's all part of the New Year!

So here's my list:

--travel somewhere I've never been
--lose (some) weight
--have my own classroom
--pray more
--meet new friends
--be successful in my jewelry business
--bless a stranger...or two
--get a new (for me) vehicle
--enjoy free time
--go to a packers game
--experience something new
--exercise more

12 resolutions for 12 months. Now let's get this party started!

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