Tuesday, March 9, 2010

super blonde and spring break

i'm so glad to be able to stop in for a minute to blog about my life the past week. oh where to start, let's see. oh yeah, i am on spring break!! woo hoo!! although i am not on some beach somewhere, i am enjoying my break from school. however, i do get to go to south carolina. i love it there!! i am leaving in the morning ( i really should be packing, but you know how that goes). anyways, my cousins live there and i love to go visit and spend time with them. They go to this really awesome church-- Victory Baptist Church in North Augusta. I'm always so blessed when I go there. God is all over that place and the people there. It's like home away from home for me. so as you can see i am very excited about going to SC. enough about my future days, i haven't been on here in a week-shame on me. so here are some things that have went on this week:

1. I am on spring break (oh did i mention that already?)
2. The weather was beautiful this past weekend in Memphis. I mean perfect weather especially for memphis. i loved it!!
3. I went to the flea market. oh, i LOVE the flea market!! it was so much fun and i bought a few items including my cute teacher shirt, although i'm not a teacher yet.
4. i got my hair colored again, finally. It's super blonde and i love love love it, of course. I have been letting my friend samantha do my hair for the past few months, because she just got her license. I'm so proud of her!! anyways, i'm sorta her guinea pig for hair. i let her do whatever (besides cut it, i like my length right now). she did awesome like always. She also colored my mom's hair blonde. My mom is not quite used to it, but i adore it. it looks fabulous. Thanks samantha carol!!
5. i had a girl's night last night!! Me and three of my dearest friends got together for a cookout and riding around like teenagers again with the windows down and the radio blaring. It was hysterical and loads of fun. i can't wait to do it again!!

well anyways that's my catch-me-up blog and i will be sure to blog about SC while i'm there. i can't wait!!

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