Saturday, July 17, 2010

oh nothing's sweeter than summertime...and american honey

"But godliness with contentment is great gain."
1 Timothy 6:6

When you think summer, you think happiness, laughter, love, and a good tan. No season is more anticipated than summer. And now that it's here, it's like the greatest (but busiest) time of the year. This summer I have been on three vacation trips (with atleast 2 more to come), to 50+ baseball games, and to Chuck E. Cheese twice. Oh yes, that's right!

To "kick off" the summer, Nyssa (one of my closest friends from my childhood) and I went to Augusta, GA for a mini vacation. This trip was completely spontaneous and wonderful.

We had an amazing time while in Georgia. We went to a church revival which was unbelievable. There were no words to explain how God moved amongst this small church. It was such an honor to be part of such a meeting. Nyssa and I also got to visit some of my family that lives in North Augusta. We had a blast for the three day sudden trip that we planned (actually we didn't plan.)

A few weeks later, my paw paw and I made the same 9 hour trip back to North Augusta to visit the family again. I love it there!! It is like home away from home.

The latest trip, which was last weekend, was absolutely one of the most rewarding and hilarious trips I have ever been on. My college and career class from church and I went to Hot Springs, AR. The trip started off right by some of our caravan getting lost. Oh wow!! talk about memories made. So our 3 hour trip turned into a 5 & 1/2 hour journey. But we got to our hotel and all was well. We stayed up late that night in the lobby talking and fellowshipping with one another. The unity amongst our group is outstanding. It is like something I have never seen. I am not sure if it is because we are all older and more mature now or what. But it was like the high school labels of being a prep or jock or a geek or loner was completely gone. The geeks were sitting with the jocks and the preps were having a blast with the loners. It was like nothing I have ever seen. We have prayed for great unity amongst our class ever since our new teachers (who happens to be my cousin and his wife) took over a few months ago. I love it!! Saturday morning we got up and went to Magic Springs, a waterpark in Hot Springs.

The waterpark/amusement park was absolutely wonderful. Our group stayed together the entire time. Every ride we were there together. There were some who were completely fearless and rode every ride. And there were those of us who rode almost everything or we were "wavers." We stayed at the park a good 6 hours then went out for mexican food that night. A class favorite. We always end up at a mexican restaurant!! Yummy!! The next morning we went to Gospel Light Baptist Church in downtown Hot Springs. It is the church our Pastor's brother pastors (kinda confusing). But the service was great and Bro. Eric Capaci brought a wonderful message on "Life."

All in all the trip was great and the ride home wasn't so bad. No one got lost. Thank goodness!! After we got home, I got to thinking about how blessed I am to be part of such a godly, unified, fun, and unique group of young people. We have really became close and I feel like we are all brothers and sisters. and we are!! in Christ of course. It's a feeling of trust and honesty among these friends, this family. We pray for each other. We laugh with each other. We laugh AT each other. We share thoughts and secrets, concerns and cares, promises and plans. But we share God. and that is most important. We are praying for growth and more unity in our class. I know God is going to bless us with that each step of the way.

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