Sunday, January 30, 2011

Memphis. The REAL Memphis.

I have lived in "Memphis" my whole life. It has always been a continuous joke with us that, "Yes, we live in memphis. No, we have never been shot." Now let me say, this probably shouldn't be joked about, because we don't live in the REAL memphis. Let me explain.

A friend and I were going to school the other day. We had just come back from shopping, and she was driving and knew a shortcut to the university. While I was riding along in the passenger seat, I began to look around at where we were. I didn't know the area. I knew we were still in memphis. I knew we were on the way back to school. But this wasn't the memphis I knew. This was the REAL memphis. The houses were run down, there were people walking the streets or waiting at the bus stop, there were bars on the gas station windows, and there was trash everywhere. That is when it hit me. I am so blessed to be able to have what I have. Why do I complain that I need a new car? My car may be older and have plenty of miles on it, but at least I have a car. My house may not be the biggest or in the newest neighborhood, but I feel safe here.

Seeing these conditions broke my heart. I wanted to hug the little old lady that sat on her front porch watching cars drive by. She was precious. And she was the REAL memphis. I wanted to offer the older man pushing a shopping cart full of unknowns a ride to where he needed to go. Because he was the REAL memphis. And the guy who did have a car that he was pushing it into the gas station. I wanted to give him gas money. He was the REAL memphis. And the twenty something people sitting at the bus stop right in front of the sonic (at noon) that didn't have a soul in the parking lot, I wish I could have ordered food for them. Because they were the REAL memphis. When we go to sonic, we complain because we can't find a spot. Every spot in this parking lot was empty at lunchtime, want to know why? Because that was the REAL memphis.

"Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these."--Mark 12:31
These people are my neighbors. They are our neighbors. The bible doesn't mean our literal neighbors in this verse. No. It means those that live amongst us. Those that live in our city, state, region, country. It speaks of the strangers we don't know. We should love them. Not just say we love them, but actually show our love to them. I want to love the REAL memphis. I want to show it. I want to work at the school that has it's windows broken out and the 2nd graders steal pencil sharpeners, because that's the REAL memphis. I want to be able to make a change in one of their lives. Because if I make a difference to one, I can make a difference. So do you know the REAL memphis? If not, do it. Find out the REAL part of your city or town. Make a difference. Love them. They are your neighbor. The REAL neighbor that needs love.

1 comment:

  1. Tiffany,

    I have never thought about Memphis in this way. I've always been aware that I've never actually seen the REAL Memphis, even though I've lived here my whole life, but this brought new perspective. Thanks for that.
