Saturday, January 1, 2011

new year. new beginning. new me.

Well, it's here--the new year. it's 2011 and i want to say i hope 2011 will be one of many positive changes for me. Remember i said HOPE. Anyways, it's time to start making the goals and resolutions (even though they are most likely going to be thrown out the window within the first few months). This year I want to last all year keeping my goals and resolutionizing (i'm not sure if that's word). This year I have big plans, goals, and resolutions--I mean huge. They are life changing. So I want this year to be one of changes and I want them to really happen. So here is what I have in hopes for 2011.

  • Lose weight. I know this is an every year resolution for most likely millions. I am a repeat offender for this one, but for once, I feel like I can do this. For once, I want, more like, have to do this. I have realized where I am at is unhealthy. That must change for myself. It's not about the looks or the size--it's about my health.
  • Going along with the losing weight, I want to drink more water and exercise more. I feel I need to put this in it's own category, because I can lose weight unhealthy ways, but I don't want to do it. I want this to be a lifestyle change. Not just a goal to reach.
  • "Read your Bible. Pray everyday, and you'll grow, grow, grow." My spiritual goal is to read my Bible everyday. This is something I must do in order to to grow spiritually. I am pretty good about praying everyday, but I want to continue this. And I want to pray more. Just not once a day, I want to "pray without ceasing."
  • Graduate. This is a goal I am 99.9% sure will be fulfilled. I have the intent to graduate in December of 2011. I know, however, sometime things can happen and cause graduation to be put on hold. However, my goals is to graduate on my intended day.
  • To help this graduation thing happen smoothly and for my benefit, I hope to make straight A's these last two semesters of college. I can do this. I know I can.
  • Okay this last one is a bit long and more of a dream than a goal. It is also a bit humorous. Well, I would like to find a boyfriend, actually my husband. ha! Okay crazy, crazy, dream of mine since I was about 18 was to be married in 2011. Actually, November 11, 2011 (11-11-11) how cool right? Problem is I don't have a fiance' or boyfriend or even a prospect and with November being 11 months away, you can see this is why this goal is more of a dream or actually a fairytale. See my entire fairytale-like dream would be engaged on July 4, 2011 (7-4-11-->7+4=11). I know I am weird, but all these 11's make me think it's fate and perfection. Okay back to this dream, I can picture it perfectly. It's July 4th (duh, i just told you that), we (me and mr.perfect) are at a baseball game (i LOVE baseball) and it's the 7th inning stretch, they are singing take me out to the ball game. Then after the singing and cheering is done, they begin the "kissing cam" on the jumbotron screen. I am ooing and awing at all the precious couples and then here comes a red screen with hearts that says, "Will you marry me?" With my hopeless romantic self, I turn to mr. perfect (whoever he may be) to "awww" and say how precious and adorable and sentimental that is for a couple that are soon to be shown on the screen. secretly jealous and envious of this, I look to see mr. perfect down on one knee with a small blue box(tiffany's) in his hand. I begin to cry, and i say "YES!"(of course!) and that couple I was jealous of a few minutes ago on the screen is us. And the crowd is going wild and fireworks begin to shoot (because it is july 4th) and we kiss. Okay, now you can laugh, I warned you it was a bit(okay a lot) humorous. But this was/is my dream for 2011. So in seven months on july 4th, i'll be sure to update you on how this really didn't happen, but it was still magical to think about. haha.

Well these are my goals (and crazy fantasies) for 2011. How about you?? What are your goals for this new year?? Or do you have any crazy fairytale stories you want to share?? Feel free to!! I don't want to think I am the only crazy one out there. ha!

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