Friday, December 28, 2012

26 Random Acts of Kindness

I love twitter and I'm basically addicted. The newest challenge or hashtag I've noticed is #26acts. What it basically stands for is the 26 victims of Sandy Hook.

Here's how it works:

You do 26 random acts of kindness in honor of each of the victims of Sandy Hook. The acts can be big or small. It's up to you. Leave a message telling about why you're doing this random act for the random stranger and challenge them to join in.

This is so moving to me!! I think it'll help show that we do have good people in this world and we can be a blessing to others.

So I challenge you to join me in #26acts. What's the worst that can happen?? You help brighten someone's day??

Help restore humanity. Help show we are a great nation and good people do still exist.

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