Sunday, December 2, 2012

An update for the past almost year--day 2

Blog 2 for the day:

Since its been almost a year, I want to give a quick update of my life. I looked back at my last blog which was from
December 6, 2011. How embarrassing?! Anyways, it says that in 11 days I will graduate....

Update since then, you got it...I graduated!! I graduated with honors December 17, 2011 from the University of Memphis. It was such a surreal event. Standing in the FedEx Forum, walking across the stage, shaking the dean's hand, being on the jumbotron (which has always been on my bucketlist), and receiving my diploma. Hands down one of the best experiences in my life.

And after I graduated, I earned my Teaching All Learners dual teaching licensure. I was offered an Educational Assistant position at Campus School (this is the school I student taught at). This position although part time and hourly pay was a complete blessing. Campus School is one of the top ranked schools in Tennessee. I was so honored to have a job at such a wonderful school. Since then, they offered me a one-on-one position working with a special needs student. It is full time, still hourly, and not my own classroom, but it is still a blessing! I love my job and the little boy I work with. He definitely knows how to brighten my day. We share many interests like Cardinals baseball and Tigers basketball! Woo!

I'm still single. I'm still waiting. And that's okay. God's timing will be perfect :)

I'm still praying for my dream job...teaching in my own classroom. Once again, God's timing will be perfect.

God's timing is perfect. Let me tell you how. I just recently signed up to be a Premier Designs Jewelry Consultant. It's such an honor to be a jewelry lady and know I am making women all over the world feel and look beautiful! It was so the right time, because I need extra money and I want to have fun doing it. Well hello, Premier does just that!

I'm so thrilled to be blogging again! Thanks for taking time to read my update over the last year. Please join me in prayer for my dream job and future hubby. Thanks :)

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