Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Growing up.

Well it's finally here...that time to grow up. I'm done student teaching and finished all my courses at school. The last step is walking across stage and receiving by diploma. I have never felt more accomplished and successful in my life. I'm ready to start the next stage in my life. I'm ready for forever. I must learn, now, to take it one day at a time. The countdown until graduation day is 11 days. That's 11 days until the end of this journey. 11 days until a new journey begins. Just 11 days before I start a new chapter of my life. This is a huge and important time for me. This is a milestone in my life that I'll never forget. So here's to growing up and beginning forever.

Friday, November 25, 2011

I'm thankful.

I'm thankful for family.
I'm thankful for memories.
I'm thankful for friends.
I'm thankful for happiness.
I'm thankful for football.
I'm thankful for black Friday.
I'm thankful for college football on black Friday.
I'm thankful for great sales and good entertainment.
I'm thankful for forgiveness, grace, and mercy.
I'm thankful for Memphis, the city and the team.
I'm thankful for my life.
I'm thankful for my country.
I'm thankful for what I have.
I'm even more thankful for what I don't have.
I'm thankful for this life I've been giving.
Are you thankful??

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Oh goodness! I feel awful and embarrassed, blogger world. It has been several months since I have blogged. First, I'd like to say why I haven't blogged in so long. I got a virus somehow on my computer in the spring. After repairing my computer, I noticed I could not get on any Google related sites. I still can't, but thank goodness for technology. I discovered a blogger app on my phone. And now...here I am. I'm loving it so far. Well here's to a new beginning of blogging. I sure have missed this part of my life. Off to get ready for a jewelry party. I'll be sure to post some pictures of tonight. Have a great weekend. Oh, and go hogs!! Who needs to see that silly bama/lsu game??

Monday, March 7, 2011

the grace card.

"I promise to pray for you, ask your forgiveness and grant you the same, and be your friends always."--the grace card
After seeing The Grace Card (twice, might I add), I have learned so much about loving others. In the movie, there is a particular part that tocuhes me. It is convicting more so than anything else I have ever heard. It's about loving others. Not others as in family, friends, people you know. Those people are easy to love. Those are the ones God has given to you. They love you. So, of course, you love them. But the hard part is loving your enemy. The person that hurt your feelings. Truly hurt you. You know the one who was closest to you and knew exactly what would hurt you the most, but still did just that to you. On purpose even. That's the person that you don't love. You can't love. You won't love. But you must love.
Give them "the grace card." Grace is unmerited pardon. Grace is undeservable forgiveness. That person, your co-worker, fellow classmate, ex boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse, family member, or "frenemy" is who you hate (even though you may not want to use that word) the most. Hate is the opposite of love. If you have not given this person grace, you do not love them. We must pray for them. And not pray for vengeance or justice. No, PRAY for them. Pray that God will have His will and way in their life. Pray for them to have a good day. Pray for them to be happy and be joyful. Pray for peace. Give them "the grace card."
And the hardest part is to forgive them and ask them to forgive you. But you didn't do anything wrong? Of course you did, you used your time and heart to hold a grudge against them. You hated them for mistreating you. You hoped karma would get the best of them. That's not what we are supposed to do. So, yes, ask them to forgive you. And when you forgive them, REALLY forgive them. That means forgive and forget. Whatever wrongdoing they have done, forgive it and forget it. That means let it go. Shake it off. That is forgiving to the fullest.
Be there friend ALWAYS. You don't want to be their friend. I understand. Neither do I. They hurt me. Really hurt me. And they hurt you. But God says to be a friend. "A friend loveth at all times." Not sometimes, or the good times, or the fun times. But ALL times. So be there friend. Be there for them when they are in their darkest hour. They need you. It may not seem like it. But you can help them. Be their shoulder to lean on. Comfort them. Be there true friend.
So who is your person? The one that said a hurtful word, used some sort of prejudice slur, the one who broke your heart, stole from you, lied to you. Give that person "The Grace Card."

Thursday, March 3, 2011

i'm not just a teacher.

The early childhood teacher holds several roles.
The teacher must love all of her children and treat them as equal but
special individuals, thus she is a mother
The teacher must ask though provoking questions and encourage
exploration and investigation, thus she is a scientist.
The teacher must sing loud and proud, even if she can not carry a tune,
thus she is a musician.
The teacher must run, hop, jump, skip, and tumble with the children,
thus she is a gymnast.
The teacher must share accounts of far away lands and imaginary people,
thus she is a storyteller.
The teacher must bandage scraped knees and kiss "ouchies", thus she is a
The teacher must give words of encouragement, louder and stronger than
anyone thought possible, thus she is a cheerleader.
The teacher must listen with open ears and an empathetic heart, thus she
is a friend.
The teacher does not entertain, dictate, police, referee, lecture,
demolish, or judge.
The teacher is a facilitator, enables, questioner, encourager,
organizer, nurturer, backer, advocator, and supporter.
The early childhood teacher holds several roles, each different in
action, but equal in importance.
To teach is to touch a life forever. And that is what the most
important role of the teacher is.
We were talking in class today about being teachers and all the roles we must fulfill. We are more than just teachers. We are every career made into one. I found this poem, and it reminded me of how special and important my future career is. I wanted to share it with my fellow future teachers to be an encouragment to them. Know that you are and will make a difference.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

little miss.

Little Miss down on love .
Little Miss I give up.
Little Miss I'll get tough, don't you worry about me anymore.
Little Miss checkered dress.
Little Miss one big mess.
Little Miss I'll take less when I always give so much more.
Little Miss do your best.
Little Miss never rest.
Little Miss be my guest, I'll make more anytime that it runs out.
Little Miss you'll go far.
Little Miss hide your scars.
Little Miss who you are is so much more than you like to talk about.
Little Miss brand new start.
Little Miss do your part.
Little Miss big 'ole heart beats wide open and she's ready now for love.
I feel like this is the story of my life, but I haven't made it to the bottom of the Little Miss Lists. This is a song by sugarland and I love it so much. It seems to be written for that young girl who is a college student and has been hurt and is stressed. It is those (us) girls who must do our best and hide our scars. We feel like we have to always have a smile and always be happy. But that's not true. No, we can be Little Miss I'm so stressed. Or little miss I feel depressed. or little miss I don't want to get dressed, I want to lay in bed all day. However, we must remember there is a light at the end of that tunnel. We are doing this for a reason. We must give thanks in EVERYTHING. Don't give up yet. You have so far to go. Yet, you are so close to the end. This is now. This is the rest of your life.
Coming from Little Miss.

Monday, February 28, 2011

i'm not high maintenance....

I'm not high maintenance, I just get really embarrassed if my nails look bad. So they must be painted (with no chips) at all times.
I'm not high maintenance, I just think you should look presentable when leaving the house. That's why pajama pants are a no-no.
I'm not high maintenance, I just think Silver jeans fit better. it's not about the brand.
I'm not high maintenance, but when I order sweet tea, I want sweet tea.
And i'm not high maintenance, I just prefer to wear make up to go anywhere (including fishing, hunting, to workout, etc.). I looked dead without it.
I'm not high maintenance, I just think it's the right thing for a gentleman to treat his lady like a princess.
I'm not high maintenance, I'm just a southern belle.
I'm not high maintenance, I just pack enough for any type of weather, circumstance, or activity. Three bags for a weekend trip isn't really that many. Is it?
I'm not high maintenance, I would just like you to use correct grammar when speaking to me.
I'm not high maintenance, I just want to be in control...of certain situations.
Okay...I may be high maintenance, but it's my dream (no for real) to be low maintenance. I really try. Promise.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

excuse my southern

a common phrase people use when they are about to say something inappropriate is, "excuse my french." well in this post, i want to speak about being southern. so, "excuse my southern." and yes i talk a lot about being southern, but how can you not love the south??


the other day my really good friend, BB, decided that she wanted to "learn" to be southern. i told her southern is not something you learn, it is a way of life--you're born that way. but i'm not one to turn someone down for learning the southern way. that night as we were driving around aimlessly (we love to do that. it gives us good time to rant and rave about whatever we want. you know, girl talk.). she stated since she has lived in the south for almost 10 years now, she would not mind learning to do southern things. this came as a surprise to me since she has always claimed to hate the south. well i do not want to tell her whole story. if you want to read it, go here.
anyways, as i was trying to teach her some things about the south, it made me realize how much i love the south and am so thankful that i was raised southern.

here are a few of my favorite southern quotes:

Growing up Southern is a privilege, really. It's more than where you're born, it's an idea and state of mind that seems imparted at birth. It's more than loving fried chicken, sweet tea, football, and country music. it's being hospitable, devoted to front porches, magnolias, moon pies and coca-cola... and each other. We don't become Southern - we're born that way.

A southern girl is a girl who knows full and well that she can open a door for herself but prefers for the gentleman to do it because it demonstrates a sense of respect. After all, every girl wants to be treated like a princess. We know how to make sweet tea and grits while telling you everything about any football team in the SEC. We pick our battles and fight with the heart of a pit bull while still maintaining grace and elegance. Our mystique is that of a soft-spoken, mild-mannered southern bell who could direct an army, loves her momma and will always be daddy's little girl.

“Southern girls are God's gift to the entire male population. there is absolutely no woman finer than one raised below the mason-dixon line and once you go southern may the good Lord help you - you never go back.”

these quotes really sum up the idea of the south. i can't say it better myself. there's just something about the south that you can't help but love. southern hospitality, strong roots, and simple ways. we work hard and love deep. we are true to ourselves and others. there are not enough words for me to say when it comes to southern ways. what do you love about the south? i would love to hear your input and any tips you have for BB.

Monday, January 31, 2011

bachelor mondays.

It's back!! Or should I say he's back. Yes, Brad Womack...Mr. I-can't-make-a-decision-so-I-break-two-girls'-hearts-but-after-a-bunch-of-therapy-i'm-ready-for-a-second-chance.

Well, I can see his sincerity this time around. I really believe Brad is ready to fall in love. He seems like a great guy and one of these girls will be very lucky to have him. Now on to the good stuff, the girls.

This is the precious, precious Emily. She is your typical southern belle and a doll. She is my favorite. I think her and Brad would make an adorable couple. Emily is sweet, shy, kind, and beautiful. She also has a beautiful love story, that ya'll will have to hear about some other time.

This is Michelle. I've come to the conclusion that all girls named michelle that come on the bachelor are the crazies. Do y'all remember michelle from Jake's season... she was a crazy. Now Brad has his very own Michelle, and well she is crazy too. But here's the thing, he likes her!! He doesn't see her crazy side and none of the other girls will tell him about the real Michelle. She is obsessed with Brad...in a psycho way. She is one of his top picks right now, because around him she seems innocent...but she's the devil in disguise, literally.
Now that you know the best and the worst of the girls. What do you think? Are you a bachelor junkie too? Who's your favorite? Do you think Brad is really ready for love? I want to hear from all my bachelor girls out there.
Until next monday.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Memphis. The REAL Memphis.

I have lived in "Memphis" my whole life. It has always been a continuous joke with us that, "Yes, we live in memphis. No, we have never been shot." Now let me say, this probably shouldn't be joked about, because we don't live in the REAL memphis. Let me explain.

A friend and I were going to school the other day. We had just come back from shopping, and she was driving and knew a shortcut to the university. While I was riding along in the passenger seat, I began to look around at where we were. I didn't know the area. I knew we were still in memphis. I knew we were on the way back to school. But this wasn't the memphis I knew. This was the REAL memphis. The houses were run down, there were people walking the streets or waiting at the bus stop, there were bars on the gas station windows, and there was trash everywhere. That is when it hit me. I am so blessed to be able to have what I have. Why do I complain that I need a new car? My car may be older and have plenty of miles on it, but at least I have a car. My house may not be the biggest or in the newest neighborhood, but I feel safe here.

Seeing these conditions broke my heart. I wanted to hug the little old lady that sat on her front porch watching cars drive by. She was precious. And she was the REAL memphis. I wanted to offer the older man pushing a shopping cart full of unknowns a ride to where he needed to go. Because he was the REAL memphis. And the guy who did have a car that he was pushing it into the gas station. I wanted to give him gas money. He was the REAL memphis. And the twenty something people sitting at the bus stop right in front of the sonic (at noon) that didn't have a soul in the parking lot, I wish I could have ordered food for them. Because they were the REAL memphis. When we go to sonic, we complain because we can't find a spot. Every spot in this parking lot was empty at lunchtime, want to know why? Because that was the REAL memphis.

"Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these."--Mark 12:31
These people are my neighbors. They are our neighbors. The bible doesn't mean our literal neighbors in this verse. No. It means those that live amongst us. Those that live in our city, state, region, country. It speaks of the strangers we don't know. We should love them. Not just say we love them, but actually show our love to them. I want to love the REAL memphis. I want to show it. I want to work at the school that has it's windows broken out and the 2nd graders steal pencil sharpeners, because that's the REAL memphis. I want to be able to make a change in one of their lives. Because if I make a difference to one, I can make a difference. So do you know the REAL memphis? If not, do it. Find out the REAL part of your city or town. Make a difference. Love them. They are your neighbor. The REAL neighbor that needs love.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

22 for 22.

“Every moment you get is a gift. Spend it on things that matter. Don’t spend it by dwelling on unhappy things.”
Tomorrow is my 22nd birthday. YES, 22 is OLD (to me, anyways)!! I am so blessed with great family and great friends. I have a fabulous life and even though it has ups and downs, it is my life and I love it. I want to share 22 randoms in honor of me turning 22.
1. I was born and raised with southern roots. I plan on raising my children (future, future children) the same way.
2. I believe the children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way.
3. Jesus is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear?
4. I love sports!
5. Baseball is my favorite. By far!! St. Louis Cardinals is who you will hear me root for.
6. I love the SEC! all things southern, duh...
7. I REALLY believe Taylor Swift sings the stories of my life.
8. I hunt. Yes, I'm a girl and yes, I hunt. Big deal.
9. I am a Senior at the U of M. Go Tigers!! (this is my favorite basketball team...)
10. I am a future educator. See number two.
11. I already know what I want to name my kids (future, future kids. remember).
12. I have three little brothers.
13. I am a daddy's girl and momma's world.
14. I have an obsession with fingernail polish. And mountain dew.
15. I love movies. Old movies especially.
16. I'm the biggest hopeless romantic ever!!
17. I pray about my future spouse more than anything else.
18. I am a sucker for anything georgian. I would love to be a georgia peach!!
19. go pack go :) they will win the super bowl this year.
20. Jake Addison is my big baby. Nothing like a hyper chocolate lab to make your life more interesting.
21. I dream of owning a black Ranger Rover with white seats...on a teacher salary. ha!
22. forgive and forget. life goes on. this too shall pass. live for the moments that take your breath away. you only live once. love jesus. love life.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

new year. new beginning. new me.

Well, it's here--the new year. it's 2011 and i want to say i hope 2011 will be one of many positive changes for me. Remember i said HOPE. Anyways, it's time to start making the goals and resolutions (even though they are most likely going to be thrown out the window within the first few months). This year I want to last all year keeping my goals and resolutionizing (i'm not sure if that's word). This year I have big plans, goals, and resolutions--I mean huge. They are life changing. So I want this year to be one of changes and I want them to really happen. So here is what I have in hopes for 2011.

  • Lose weight. I know this is an every year resolution for most likely millions. I am a repeat offender for this one, but for once, I feel like I can do this. For once, I want, more like, have to do this. I have realized where I am at is unhealthy. That must change for myself. It's not about the looks or the size--it's about my health.
  • Going along with the losing weight, I want to drink more water and exercise more. I feel I need to put this in it's own category, because I can lose weight unhealthy ways, but I don't want to do it. I want this to be a lifestyle change. Not just a goal to reach.
  • "Read your Bible. Pray everyday, and you'll grow, grow, grow." My spiritual goal is to read my Bible everyday. This is something I must do in order to to grow spiritually. I am pretty good about praying everyday, but I want to continue this. And I want to pray more. Just not once a day, I want to "pray without ceasing."
  • Graduate. This is a goal I am 99.9% sure will be fulfilled. I have the intent to graduate in December of 2011. I know, however, sometime things can happen and cause graduation to be put on hold. However, my goals is to graduate on my intended day.
  • To help this graduation thing happen smoothly and for my benefit, I hope to make straight A's these last two semesters of college. I can do this. I know I can.
  • Okay this last one is a bit long and more of a dream than a goal. It is also a bit humorous. Well, I would like to find a boyfriend, actually my husband. ha! Okay crazy, crazy, dream of mine since I was about 18 was to be married in 2011. Actually, November 11, 2011 (11-11-11) how cool right? Problem is I don't have a fiance' or boyfriend or even a prospect and with November being 11 months away, you can see this is why this goal is more of a dream or actually a fairytale. See my entire fairytale-like dream would be engaged on July 4, 2011 (7-4-11-->7+4=11). I know I am weird, but all these 11's make me think it's fate and perfection. Okay back to this dream, I can picture it perfectly. It's July 4th (duh, i just told you that), we (me and mr.perfect) are at a baseball game (i LOVE baseball) and it's the 7th inning stretch, they are singing take me out to the ball game. Then after the singing and cheering is done, they begin the "kissing cam" on the jumbotron screen. I am ooing and awing at all the precious couples and then here comes a red screen with hearts that says, "Will you marry me?" With my hopeless romantic self, I turn to mr. perfect (whoever he may be) to "awww" and say how precious and adorable and sentimental that is for a couple that are soon to be shown on the screen. secretly jealous and envious of this, I look to see mr. perfect down on one knee with a small blue box(tiffany's) in his hand. I begin to cry, and i say "YES!"(of course!) and that couple I was jealous of a few minutes ago on the screen is us. And the crowd is going wild and fireworks begin to shoot (because it is july 4th) and we kiss. Okay, now you can laugh, I warned you it was a bit(okay a lot) humorous. But this was/is my dream for 2011. So in seven months on july 4th, i'll be sure to update you on how this really didn't happen, but it was still magical to think about. haha.

Well these are my goals (and crazy fantasies) for 2011. How about you?? What are your goals for this new year?? Or do you have any crazy fairytale stories you want to share?? Feel free to!! I don't want to think I am the only crazy one out there. ha!