Thursday, October 21, 2010

30 day blog challenge!

I have ran across this cute, fun blog session (10 DAYS LATE!), but i still want to participate. It is a 30 day blog challenge with each day having a certain topic to blog about. I found it at this cute little blog A Southern Belle's Tales. And I think she got it from someone too. But follow her and you can find out where she found this challenge.

Day One: Recent Picture. Introduce Yourself. 15 Facts.

This is my most recent picture. Yes, I'm looking a little rough and all-natural, but it's all part of hunting. Like before, sorry for the blood (ew. I know).

Now I must introduce myself. Well, I am a 21 year old college student (junior) at the University of Memphis--go tigers! I am an elementary education major and also a SPED major. I can't wait to graduate in December of 2011 and finally be a teacher. I do not have a job. Being a full time college student (in the education department) is a job within itself. I am not married nor in a relationship. I also do not have any kids. But one day (in the Lord's time), I will have all of that. And I can't wait for that day to come (as long as it's His time not mine). I am a Christian and proudly profess my faith. I am a southern belle--born and bred. I also am a die-hard baseball fan (go cardinals!). I try to live perfect, because we are supposed to live like Christ. But here is the one key idea, I am NOT perfect only He is. So although I try to live to be perfect, I will never reach it. And that's okay, because I try. I like failing (at perfection), because it makes my faith in Him that much stronger.

  1. I have lived in Memphis (actually more or so the suburban areas of the city) my entire life. I was born and raised here. No, I have never been shot at or been to Elvis' house. Yes, I love our college basketball team, but not truly "bleeding blue and grey" (I don't really root for them in any other sport). That makes me a true Memphian. ha!
  2. I love living in the South. I hope to raise my children one day in the South with a southern way of mind.
  3. This leads me to say I believe the south is not a place to live--it is a way of life. Although, something intrigues me about a big city and a high-paced life, I know that truly is not me. I would rather be front porch rockin' with the big sun droppin' livin' part of life.
  4. I love movies--old, new, black and white, color, romantic, comedy, drama, action. Anything but horror. I am a scaredy cat.
  5. I love Cardinal baseball. No we did not make it to post season, but that's ok I still love my redbirds.
  6. I am going to be an aunt (first time aunt) in December. I can't wait!
  7. I LOVE family. I am very family-oriented and was raised that way. I seriously have thousands of cousins and hundreds of aunts and uncles. I love family reunions and get togethers. It is a time to reminisce and laugh and be merry.
  8. I am high maintenance. I know how can you live in the south, HUNT, like baseball, and be high maintenance?! Well you can, because I am. I guess that's what makes me a southern belle and not a "redneck chick."
  9. Which leads me to say I am not too fond of the word "redneck." It sounds, pardon my nose in the air, but trashy. Being from the south and saying things like, "I hunt. I drive a truck. I wear camo." People automatically classify you as redneck (ugh), hick, hillbilly, or some other terrible southern term. Now I am proud of my heritage and I love to hunt and wear camo (when I'm hunting!) and no I don't drive a truck, but just because you like those things doesn't make you the R word. It makes you a true southern gent or lady.
  10. I want a black range rover or a white tahoe. I am fascinated.
  11. I already have my future (FUTURE) children's names picked out.
  12. I have found through the years that it's not about how many friends you have, but who truly is your friend. I only have a handful of true, real friends that I can trust and lean on. I love my handful of friends. I wouldn't want to have a bunch of fake friends rather than my 4 or 5 real friends.
  13. I have one baby--my puppy baby. Jake addison is the love of my life for right now.
  14. I spend money way too fast. This is one of my major downfalls. I know whomever God has for me will be great with money and finances, because I'm not.
  15. I love nail polish and painting my nails and other peoples. Your nails should always be painted and always be presentable, in my opinion.

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