Friday, October 22, 2010

day 2...

I LOVE THIS MOVIE! Okay, hang on I'm jumping ahead of myself.
This is day two of the thirty day challenge. Day 2 is "what's in a name?" It is about why you chose your blog name. My blog name is Blogfest at Tiffany's. Well first off, I'm Tiffany. ha! And besides, I LOVE tiffany's jewelry. That is where my future husband (if we are really meant to be) will get my engagement ring. I just know it. Anyways, my blog name was obviously inspired by the greatest movie alive (ok one of them)--Breakfast at Tiffany's. I love Audrey Hepburn and she does a superb job acting in this movie. It took me awhile to think of something creative and unique for my blog. I wanted it to be perfect and portray me. And this is how I got Blogfest at Tiffany's. So "what's in your name?" Blog name that is.

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