Friday, October 22, 2010

day 3...

First True Love
ha! This one should be interesting. Well where to begin? First let me say, I have not really ever had my first true love. I know, I know...I'm 21, how have I not fallen in love? Well I haven't with a guy yet. Let me explain.
Back in high school, I THOUGHT I found my first love and I loved him and we were going to get married and blah, blah, blah. Well I was not just wrong but WAY wrong. He was a crush--just a crush. I realized after he got married (ha!) that he wasn't who God had for me. That was fine. Because I know my first true love will be my last true love. I want my first love to be the man I marry. And I'm pretty sure that is how God has it planned.
You see, I pray everyday, sometimes more than once, about my future husband--my first love. I know God has someone special for me. This guy was made for me! I just know it. God really has been revealing things to me about what I should and should not want in a spouse. It's not all about what he drives, what he looks like, how he dresses, how he talks, or what he likes. I know the guy God has for me will be what I desire, because I desire what God wants for me.
"Delight thyself also in the Lord; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart."--Psalm 37:4
So whoever my first love is will love me and love God, because that is what's most important. I want God to be my first love, and the man of my dreams to be who God has for me to be an honor to Him. Because truly, my first true love is God.

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