Tuesday, October 12, 2010

ten on tuesday

it's time for ten on tuesday again. if you want to play along simple copy and paste this picture into your blog and think of your ten things.

this week's topic is ten thing we shouldn't do/bad habits. oh boy! this should be interesting. here we go.

1. nail biting

i bite my nails continously. nervous-bite 'em. anxious-chewing away. excited- gnawing on them. frustrated- you guessed it. it's all i ever do. i do not know why or how i got started biting my nails, but i have done it since i was little (like 2). my mom tried everything when i was a child to stop me from biting my nails, but nothing worked! this is my worst (and most disgusting) habit. if anyone has some old remedies to help me quit, i'd be glad to listen.

2. cry

i know it's okay to cry and it's part of being emotional and a girl. but i cry about everything. i am sure everyone i know has seen me cry at least once. happy, sad, nervous, mad, excited--cry! movies, songs, stories, books, people, tv shows--cry! ha. now i sound like a moron who cries all the time. it's not like i cry everyday but at least once or twice a week. i think it's my therapy.

3. mountain dew obsession
i would love to say i only drink water and milk and occassionally a glass of sweet tea, but truth is i drink mountain dew constantly. it is by far the worst type of soda for you, i know. but i can't stop drinking it. it's like my drug. i mean i have an excuse--i'm a college student who needs energy. bad excuse, right? i love it and drink it like nobody's business.

4. pets
i love animals--all animals (except for scary ones). and i want them all for pets. every stray i see, i think i should take home and adopt them right away. i seriously think i will have a farm here soon (kidding, hopefully). i really should not want all these animals. i mean that can get gross and nasty and STINKY! let's just say i'm going to try to stick to my sweet jake addison for now. no more...i try to promise.
5. baby names
now i'm not pregnant nor plan on being pregnant for the next 2 or 20 years. but i love baby names and look at them all the time. i have an obsession with unique baby names. i think it's so cool to have a child's name that no one else has. i have picked out close to five names (first and middle) for each gender. ha! hopefully my future husband (whoever he is going to be) will like one of the ten names. this is in no way normal, i know.
6. procrastination
this is it! this is the worst of the worst. i procrastinate until procrastination is not an option. i wait until the last minute to do EVERYTHING! i hate that i procrastinate, but i can't stop doing it. it's like i do my best under pressure. it's terrible! i have to learn to do things before ten minutes to due time.
7. being late
i guess this goes along with my procrastination, but it's its own category. if i have to be somewhere at 11, tell me 10:30 because, i won't be there until 11 anyways. i am always one minute late to everything. i will even get up an extra hour or so to get ready so i won't be late, but somehow, some way, i still am late. i hate being late! i honestly do. but i always tend to do it.
8. eating out
i love to eat out. my motto is eating out is totally in and eating in is totally out. i would eat out every meal (if i had the money!) ha. it is so much more ideal to eat in at the kitchen table with family and discuss what you did that day. but i would much rather go to chili's or my local favorite mexican restaurant and enjoy a meal and talking with friends or family. but it's just too expensive to live this way. i need to learn to eat at home!
9. answering the phone
here's the problem. i DON'T answer the phone. i HATE talking on the phone! i would much rather text or facebook (sad, i know). write me a letter and i'm good to go. give me a call and i probably won't answer. i need to learn to answer the phone. you never know when it is going to be an emergency or important.
10. reality tv
i'm addicted. name it, i watch it! it's really not a good thing at all. i love all reality shows. but it takes up way too much of my time. i need to learn to spend my time on quality things rather than wasting it watching teen mom or biggest loser or big brother (which i seriously need to have rehab for, because i miss it too much) or jersey shore. or anything reality!
What are your ten thing you should not do or your ten bad habits? i'm sure they are not as bad as mine!

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