Tuesday, September 28, 2010
ten on tuesday

Monday, September 27, 2010
happy fall y'all!
1. It's hunting season!

It's not cold, it's not hot, it's beautiful outside this time of year. It's the right time to be front porch rockin' with a cup of coffee and a good book. how could you not love this weather?! You're not sweating constantly nor are your shivering to death--you're cool while wearing light layers! yeah!
This is why I love FALL and why fall is my favorite. I think it's everyone's favorite without everyone realizing it. So happy fall y'all!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Fashionista Friday #1!

Next is EYES. These are my three favorite daily things for my eyes. First, eyeliner by Maybelline. It is by far my favorite eyeliner. I don't like pencils, because they hurt. and liquid is out of the question. The twisty kind with the smush thing at the end are the best by far (for me). It gives that natural look and not a dark straight line. Next is the eye shadow. MAC makes a beautiful silver color called electra. Perfect to make my blue eyes pop! Mascara is the next and still an iffy thing. I have never found my perfect mascara. I don't have those lengthy full lashes that every girl dreams of so I try to find good mascara to help boost my lashes. My newest mascara is Avon full black mascara. I'm still not 100% in love with it, but I never have with any of my mascara. So I am needing some advice. Help girls! What kind of mascara do you use? I need to find my perfect mascara too!

plate update...
Monday, September 20, 2010
if you really knew me...
If you really knew me, you'd know I'm a "closet geek." I love school and love to learn (guess that comes with being a future teacher). But in high school, I didn't want to be classified as a "geek." So, I made fun of the smart kids and the kids whose pants were short and wore glasses. On the inside, I am that kid. I didn't want to portray that. I had to keep up my "popular" girl classification.
If you really knew me, you would know I'm overly confident on the outside to hide my self-conciousness on the inside. No, I don't really think I'm the "coolest" or am that "hott," just because I say it doesn't mean it's how I really feel.
If you really knew me, you'd know I've never had a boyfriend. A real boyfriend who brings you flowers and takes you on dates who you kiss at the door for 15 minutes before going inside and writing in your journal (or blog) about the wonderful night. No, I've always been the friend guys come to for advice. I don't mind that at all. I love all my guy friends. But if you really knew me, you'd know for once I don't want to be "one of the guys;" I want to be the girl my guy friend's come to me for advice about.
If you really knew me, you'd know I love rap. I don't listen to it like I used to, but I still deeply in my heart love it. I think I always will. It's a real skill and talent to be able to rap.
If you really knew me, you'd know I just got saved a few years ago. I truly became a Christian, one of God's children in October 2007. If you really knew me, you'd know I grew up in church and thought I was saved as a child, but I wasn't. If you really knew me, you'd know I'm not perfect, but I strive to be like Him (although I fail every day, minute, second).
If you really knew me, you'd know I was mean to kids in high school to make other people laugh so people wouldn't laugh at me but with me. If you really knew me, you would know I regret that I hurt those innocent people. I don't regret anything in life except this.
If you really knew me, you would know I don't share my thoughts or feelings (about love) with anyone unless I need advice. You'd know I pray about my future husband more than anything else.
If you really knew me, you would know I cry easily and about everything. Songs can make me tear up with a blink of an eye. Movies too.
If you really knew me, you would know I have a trust issue. You'd know it's not that I don't trust people, but that I trust people too much. I am naive and believe almost anything someone says.
If you really knew me, you would know I love my life even though I complain a lot.
So what would people think if they really knew you?
Saturday, September 18, 2010
just an old sweet song keeps georgia on my mind...

Thursday, September 16, 2010
fall table and fun times...
Some more of my beautiful friends. What girl doesn't love jewelry?!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
plates, but not the paper kind.
Monday, September 13, 2010
gaga...bless her heart

Lady GaGa seems to be the new "it" celebrity. Everyone wants to be like her, dress like her, sing like her, act like her. I'm just a bit confused as to why? Now kudos to her for being different and dressing unique and for being her self, but seriously what are these outfits? Now, don't get me wrong, I am no fashion guru, I usually wear jeans and a plain solid tee. however, I'm pretty sure these exotic, wacky costumes (that's what they are, not outfits) are a bit over the top. Poor GaGa, bless her heart! She must not know any better. What's crazier to me is that all the celebrities want to dress just like her. What happened to being like Lauren Conrad or Jessica Simpson? Now everyone wants to be a "little monster." (GaGa's words, not mine). This is the mildest of the outfits she wore at the VMA's (bless her heart!).

This is another. Leather and spikes. Bless her heart. GaGa does have a great voice and does stand out for being different, but it saddens me to someone so cute and "innocent" (pertaining to Taylor's BEAUTIFUL song) crying for so much attention (or so it seems). Bless her heart!

What do you think? Do you like lady gaga's costumes? Or do you think they are repulsive?
Saturday, September 11, 2010
have your cake and eat it too...two??

This is the infamous chainsaw cake. This was by far the hardest cake we've ever made. It was very tedious (sp?) and detailed. This cake was made specially for my little cousin, Richard. Richard is a unique little fella who is turning 16. What makes Richard different (in a good way) from everyone else in the family is that he is autistic. He is a character--a hoot! He understands just like we do, but he just can't express his thoughts or feelings like we can. One thing Richard loves is chainsaws!! He has his certain appliances that he loves. Weedeaters, blowers, vaccums, and of course CHAINSAWS! He is going to love this cake. I will be surprised if he lets them cut it and eat it. This was made by: Beth, Tiffany, and Tina.
Now this cake is definitely the most unique and personalized cake we've ever made. This cake can only be described in one word: Jonathan. Jonathan is my soon-to-be 22 year old cousin. You can't say he is redneck, hillbilly, country, hick, etc....no, no, no. Those just don't fit. He is countrier than the countriest. He asked, more like demanded, that he have a hunting, chicken coop, pond, rebel flag cake. This is what we came up with and he said it was PERFECT! My aunt T, Tina, is his mom and she said he is like a little kid. He keeps opening the fridge and saying "i can't believe y'all made it like this!" This is what we would classify as a country boy cake. Made by: Beth, Tiffany, and Tina.
I hope you enjoy looking at our cakes. And I will continue to post with our future cakes. I hope this blog takes the cake! ha.
Friday, September 10, 2010
have your cake and eat it too...
Jessica's 20th birthday cake. This is a two-tiered zebra and pink with polka dots cake. Jessica's is a sassafrass. She wanted zebra and polka dots so this is what we came up with. She loved it and it seemed to be a crowd pleaser. This cake was also made by mom, aunt T, and me.

Today we have to make a "country boy" theme cake and a chainsaw cake. These are probably going to be the most different and most detailed cakes we will make so far. I will be sure to upload the pics as soon as we get them finished. I am nervouse about these two cakes. Say a little pray that everything turns out right. Until later, remember it is okay to have your cake and eat it too!!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
life since my last post.
This is the family at Pujols 5. This is Albert Pujols' (plays for the cardinals) restaurant. We are holding his ESPY award. Well actually, i'm holding it and refused to let go of it. ha! I felt honored to hold such an award that was his. Oh and the food was great! I would recommend his place to anyone who is going to St. Louis.
We also went to the zoo in st. louis on sunday. it's a free zoo! how awesome, but how crowded! It was a great day to be at the zoo--absolutely perfect weather! All in all it was a good experience (even if we did wait an hour and a half to park. yes that's right!)
Last, but not least, we went to the mall....SHOPPING! ha. I'm not much of a shopper, but i love outdoor stores and buying baby caysen adily stuff. We went to the mills mall in st. louis which is sort of like the mills in nashville. they had a CABELA'S!
Here we are enjoying "the other bass pro shop." It was so awesome inside. Yes, we went to other stores shopping. My mom and I went to every baby store looking for Caysen. Caysen is going to be my first little niece! I'm going to be an aunt for the first time and i'm so excited! Caysen adily is due on Christmas day. She is going to be spoiled rotten. I got her three outfits and some accessories and mom got her three outfits. and that was just one shopping trip. ha! I can't wait for her to get her. She is going to love auntie T!
Well this is my update since my last post. Now that school has started back (senior year) i will be blogging more. Y'all be sure to watch for more.