Tuesday, September 28, 2010

ten on tuesday

This is going to be my new "every tuesday" blog to fall on. If you want to play along just copy this image and think of the top ten things that falls under the given category. For example, this week's Ten on Tuesday will be "10 things you can't live without."
So here are my "10 things i can't live without:"
1. my makeup.
Oh my! I never leave the house without my make up. i would not dare walk into public with my naked face. ha! i'm sure everyone else out there are natural beauties and could walk around without make up on and no one would notice, but i look dead without my make up. and yes that includes when i go deer hunting at 5 AM, i'm wearing that make up. to see my daily make up, scroll down a few blogs to Fashionista Friday!
2. OPI nail polish.
OPI has all the perfect shades and perfect coverage! I love this stuff. I use it weekly, sometimes daily, according on if I need my nails repainted or not. i'm not a fan of chipped nails. ew! if i'm out in public and see chipped nails, i am mortified, completely chawed! If this was "Not Me Monday," i would say, "it's not me who carries back up polish in my purse in case of a nail emergency. oh no! i would just wait until i got home to fix them. i would never be so high maintenance."
3. B-I-B-L-E.
my bible is my rock! I always didn't understand why people said, "i wish life came with an instruction manual." IT DOES! It's called a Bible and it gives you advice, comfort, encouragement, what to do, what not to do, stories, parables, miracles, and life lessons all in one. It's the ultimate "self-help book," because it teaches you not to help yourself, but to lean on the One who is the greatest help. I could not live without my Bible.
5. mexican food.
YUM! my favorite of all favorites is mexican food. Yes, i probably could live without it, but i eat it so much i do not know if my body would function correctly if i went a week without eating mexican food. chips and salsa...mmmm. ha! it's sad to say i honestly do eat mexican at least once a week sometimes 2 0r 3 0r 4 times a week.
6. cardinals baseball.
Baseball in general is something i have been around my whole life. I hate when winter rolls around. Luckily, i am hunting all winter so that keeps me occupied until spiring again for BASEBALL! The cardinals are my favorite and the best. ha! I love my boys.
6. silver jeans.
They are the greatest jean ever invented. If you have never had a pair of silvers, i highly advise you to go buy a pair right now. They fit perfectly and they are always very cute. They are a bit more expensive than your typical old navy or target jeans but they are ten times better. Try them and let me know what you think! I couldn't ever switch back to my cheap old navy ones. American Eagle run a close second though.
7. sweet tea.
Being born and raised in the south, it's like all you know is sweet tea from birth. This summer i went to st. louis (to watch my cardinals), and they didn't have sweet tea. WHAT?! I didn't think i was going to live. I know i didn't function right anyways. people probably thought i was nuts. Every restaurant we went to, my entire family (naturally, not thinking) would order sweet tea. and EVERY TIME, they would say i'm sorry we don't have sweet tea.... bless their heart. They don't what they are missing out on!
8. technology.
ok i couldn't decide between facebook or my cell phone or reality tv so i chose technology to cover all of them. This is probably not a good thing, i know. but it's true. i check facebook daily, if not 40 times daily. ha! and my phone never leaves my side. you never know when you're going to get a good text. and i love reality tv shows. I know the "reality" part is probably not so real, but i'm a junkie when it comes to reality shows. name it, i love it.
9. the south in general.
the south is a beautiful place. the accents, the atmosphere, the attitudes (hospitality), the aroma, the activities, and the animals. how can you not love it?! it really isn't just a place, it's a way of life. i mean you have those handsome southern gents and those adorable southern belles. you have SEC football and Saturday fishin'. there hunting early in the morning and hunting late in the evening. it's yes ma'am and no sir. sweet tea and steel magnolias. our slow paced life actually allows us to live life. our faith and our food are rooted hard. you can't help but love the south!
10. family and friends.
well of course we can't live without our family and friends! Daddy, Momma, and 3 brothers. Aunts, uncles, and cousins galore. i love my family. my big, crazy, obnoxious family. and my friends. love them too1 i know i can always count on my family and friends to get me through good times and bad times. i also can't leave out my precious jake addison. no way i could live without my wuppy! (even if he is an out-of-control 70 lb. chocolate lab) he is still a "wuppy" to me.
So what are your "ten things you can't live without?"

Monday, September 27, 2010

happy fall y'all!

It's here! The greatest season of all the year is FALL! no doubt. I mean here are just a few of my reasons for loving fall:

1. It's hunting season!
This is Tiffany Lakosky--one of my heroes. She is a gorgeous blonde who hunts and is named Tiffany just like me! She is way adorable and gets so tickled when she kills a deer. I know we would be great friends. Anyways, hunting season (bow hunting) just started this past Saturday and I couldn't be any happier! i love hunting! this is my first year bow hunting so i'm nervous and excited all in one. I will be sure to update when I kill my first deer with my bow. :)

2. It's football time in Tennessee!

In the south, college football is like sweet tea--it's important to our heritage. The SEC is the greatest of all conferences in my eyes anyways. All those southern boys tackling in tight pants. what gets better than that? ha! no seriously i love college football. but i must say rocky top you'll always be home sweet home to me, good ol' rocky top woo! rocky top tennessee!

3. Light layers or bust!
Fall fashion is my favorite of all! Light layers are always adorable and fun! you can dress up any summer or spring outfit with a cute cardigan or jacket. and of course scarves and boots! i can't wait to find some adorable new scarves and boots to go with my cute fall clothes. This is so exciting!

4. The PERFECT weather is...PERFECT!

It's not cold, it's not hot, it's beautiful outside this time of year. It's the right time to be front porch rockin' with a cup of coffee and a good book. how could you not love this weather?! You're not sweating constantly nor are your shivering to death--you're cool while wearing light layers! yeah!

This is why I love FALL and why fall is my favorite. I think it's everyone's favorite without everyone realizing it. So happy fall y'all!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Fashionista Friday #1!

This is the first official "Fashionista Friday" blog! This is going to be a blog for every Friday to tell about your favorite beuty products. All girls LOVE beauty products! This is going to be a blog to share all our top beauty secrets and ideas! Get ready ladies, we are in for a treat. Thanks to http://thats-what-b-said.blogspot.com/ for starting this fabulous, fun blog!

The first "Fashionista Friday" is going to be daily products. This one is going to be the starter and longest one. Each week after will be one or two beauty products. But for now, here we go!
Starting with the FACE. I always wear these three products every day! my MAC NW20 is perfect for me. Absolutely stunning and no lines (thanks to the fabulous makeup artist at MAC). Also, i hate a shiny face. stay matte pressed powder does a wonderful job to hide the shine from the foundation. A wet-looking face just looks....greasy! and last the fabulous MAC bronzing powder. Always a plus to look sun kissed. These are my 3 never changing items.

Next is EYES. These are my three favorite daily things for my eyes. First, eyeliner by Maybelline. It is by far my favorite eyeliner. I don't like pencils, because they hurt. and liquid is out of the question. The twisty kind with the smush thing at the end are the best by far (for me). It gives that natural look and not a dark straight line. Next is the eye shadow. MAC makes a beautiful silver color called electra. Perfect to make my blue eyes pop! Mascara is the next and still an iffy thing. I have never found my perfect mascara. I don't have those lengthy full lashes that every girl dreams of so I try to find good mascara to help boost my lashes. My newest mascara is Avon full black mascara. I'm still not 100% in love with it, but I never have with any of my mascara. So I am needing some advice. Help girls! What kind of mascara do you use? I need to find my perfect mascara too!

Next is Body porducts. These are my three every day faves. First is deodorant. Yes it is a beauty product. Good hygeine is beauty. I love Lady speed stick 24 hour protection with stainguard. It is a great deodorant. NO B.O.! JUICY COUTURE!! this is my next thing and my absolute favorite! I go through a bottle of this stuff in 6 months. It is the best perfume ever. This is their newest scent viva la juicy. YUM! Everyone must try it! Last is my hand sanitizer from bath and body works. Yes, this is a daily, more like hourly, use. I love this stuff! My favorite is fresh market apple. mmm! talk about cleaning smell good hands!
Last is the hair products. My three daily faves are blonde shampoo, blonde conditioner, and my chi products. Blonde, blonde, and blonde. gotta keep my hair color nice and fresh, so using these blonde products keep my color longer and fresher. ha! oh and my chi is the bomb. Yes it works miracles. I'll swear by it. BUT be sure to use the chi ironguard spray. So you won't fry your hair!
This is my daily beauty products. Be sure to upload yours and share your secrets. And try some of these. You'll be sure to love them!

plate update...

The plates are a huge hit! I have been so busy making customized plates for everyone. Here are a few. Hope you enjoy!

Monday, September 20, 2010

if you really knew me...

"If You Really Knew Me..." is a newer tv show on MTV. It is actually one show on MTV that isn't raunchy or disgusting. It has moral to it. It's ethical. I decided this would be a good post for me to do to "confess" who I really am.

If you really knew me, you'd know I'm a "closet geek." I love school and love to learn (guess that comes with being a future teacher). But in high school, I didn't want to be classified as a "geek." So, I made fun of the smart kids and the kids whose pants were short and wore glasses. On the inside, I am that kid. I didn't want to portray that. I had to keep up my "popular" girl classification.

If you really knew me, you would know I'm overly confident on the outside to hide my self-conciousness on the inside. No, I don't really think I'm the "coolest" or am that "hott," just because I say it doesn't mean it's how I really feel.

If you really knew me, you'd know I've never had a boyfriend. A real boyfriend who brings you flowers and takes you on dates who you kiss at the door for 15 minutes before going inside and writing in your journal (or blog) about the wonderful night. No, I've always been the friend guys come to for advice. I don't mind that at all. I love all my guy friends. But if you really knew me, you'd know for once I don't want to be "one of the guys;" I want to be the girl my guy friend's come to me for advice about.

If you really knew me, you'd know I love rap. I don't listen to it like I used to, but I still deeply in my heart love it. I think I always will. It's a real skill and talent to be able to rap.

If you really knew me, you'd know I just got saved a few years ago. I truly became a Christian, one of God's children in October 2007. If you really knew me, you'd know I grew up in church and thought I was saved as a child, but I wasn't. If you really knew me, you'd know I'm not perfect, but I strive to be like Him (although I fail every day, minute, second).

If you really knew me, you'd know I was mean to kids in high school to make other people laugh so people wouldn't laugh at me but with me. If you really knew me, you would know I regret that I hurt those innocent people. I don't regret anything in life except this.

If you really knew me, you would know I don't share my thoughts or feelings (about love) with anyone unless I need advice. You'd know I pray about my future husband more than anything else.

If you really knew me, you would know I cry easily and about everything. Songs can make me tear up with a blink of an eye. Movies too.

If you really knew me, you would know I have a trust issue. You'd know it's not that I don't trust people, but that I trust people too much. I am naive and believe almost anything someone says.

If you really knew me, you would know I love my life even though I complain a lot.

So what would people think if they really knew you?

Saturday, September 18, 2010

just an old sweet song keeps georgia on my mind...

I feel as if my heart belongs in Georgia. Now, I don't live in Georgia nor have I ever. But something about that state makes my heart melt. This hilarious Jeff Foxworthy is from Georgia. The great and adorable Paula Deen also is from the wonderful state. Zac Brown Band sings about Georgia in their "Highway 20 ride" (considering highway 20 runs through Georgia). And I want to live there when I get married. I want to raise my kids there. I want to be a Georgia peach and have that georgian accent. Their accent is different from the typical southern. More drawn out--it's adorable. Here are some reasons I want to be from the good ole GA:

Michael Waddell is from Georgia. I hunt, he hunts and seems to be very good at it (he does have his own TV show). So why not?

Rhett Akins is from Georgia. The fact that he knows us women and can write about us with such truth blows my mind. "Ain't that just like a woman?"

Luke Bryan also from Georgia is a pure "Georgia" good-looking man. Cute as a button. "Don't worry 'bout nothing. Pray about everything." He gave the greatest advice while singing it. So "I'll stay me" thanks to you, Luke.

Colby Rasmus, one of the young players for the St. Louis Cardinals, is beautiful and knows his stuff when it comes to baseball. WOO WEE! You know I love my baseball players.
When Jason Aldean sings "She's Country," you can just tell he knows what he's talking about. Obviously, Georgia born and bred gives country boys a sense of honesty and "Truth." So yes please dust off the seat, because it's time to ride the "Big Green Tractor."

Now, my favorite of all the Georgians is this beautiful soul right here--Brantley Gilbert. Working hard to do what he loves best, he is going to make it somewhere someday. I am naming my first son after him. Brant, you're songs get "The Best of Me."

From Georgia, Ty Pennington is a lady's man with a great gift of giving and fixing. If you have ever seen Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, you know what I'm talking about. This man builds homes for people who are in dire need and goes above and beyond to help anybody. Who wouldn't love a man like that?!

Another one of my favorite Cardinals, Adam Wainwright, is from the GA. He is a great pitcher and a good person. He stands on his Christian faith and expresses it openly. That's the kind of man any woman would be lucky to have--a beautiful, ball playing, christian guy. Sounds like Georgia's what I need.
Maybe my reason for wanting to go to Georgia would be the gorgeous southern gents, but then again maybe not. :) Who wouldn't want to move to Georgia?!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

fall table and fun times...

My jewelry lady and good friend, Brittany. She can spice up a party in the drop of the hat. She is pictured here with "Jewelria"--her best jewelry friend. WOO WOO!

Some of my guest for my jewelry party. 16 ladies in one room. Talk about cackling hens! We had a blast!

Some more of my beautiful friends. What girl doesn't love jewelry?!

Brittany's gorgeous jewelry table. I love premier designs jewelry.

And last, but certainly not least, my fall table. It turned out fabulous (even if I'm a bit biased). Everyone seemed to love it! And I loved all the compliments! Thanks y'all!

Fall table loaded full of food. YUM! Food, fun, friends, and free jewelry sounds like a perfect start to Fall!

We had so much fun last night. I love girl's nights with all my friends and family. Thanks to everyone for coming out and making my party a success!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

plates, but not the paper kind.

I think I found my new hobby...and job. I discovered yesterday afternoon after seeing something similar in Hobby Lobby that I could do it myself. Yes, I'm turning into a DIY junkie. Seriously, it's sad. Here's what it is: PLATES. not ceramic or glass or paper, but BEAUTFUL PLASTIC PLATES. I have learned (through self explanation) how to paint a plate with something sentimental or inspirational to me (or whoever wants it). Heres how I got started. I am making a fall table for my upcoming jewelry party Thursday. I wanted to do a fall theme, because the table can remain decorated throughout this favorite season of mine. I wanted something to go along with the flower arrangements and pumpkins and candles. I wanted something inspirational--something to show thanksgiving during this time of year. I saw this gorgeous ceramic plate with a bible scripture on it at hobby lobby for $17.99. I put it in the basket, because it would complete my table and then continued to walk around the store. I stumbled upon these "plates" (they may actually be chargers) and thought wow those are beautiful and CHEAP! So I continued to look and then this thought popped into my head: "you can make a plate instead of buying this one!" OF COURSE! So I chose two plates and quickly went to the paint section to find paint markers for the piece. And can you say, paint markers are cheaper than I thought! So I put that $17.99 plate back grabbed these things along with a plate stand and headed home to paint away. Here is the outcome:

Beautiful? I know, right! This is a song that the church I visit in GA sings. It is an awesome song about being blessed. It is a very popular song in those parts and has become well known in a bunch of churches. I thought this would be perfect for my table. A placed a few of my decorations around it just for a sneak peak of my fall table. I'm way more excited about this than I should be. It's the simple things in life!

This is the other plate I made. This is my more favorite of the two. Neither of them are perfect, but they are personal and more sentimental than a store bought one. I also had to showcase mom's beautiful flower arrangements she made. Bought all the stuff for those at the dollar tree! Can you say bargain? I can't wait to put the complete table together for the jewelry party.
Now these plates have been a big hit amongst my facebook friends and people are wanting to buy them. What? I may need to start a business. Kidding! But for family and friends, I do not mind making them; I actually enjoy it! I will update with pictures of my complete fall table and the fabulous jewelry party fun Thursday. I will also continue to make plates and post pics of them. Get ready to fall into autumn!

Monday, September 13, 2010

gaga...bless her heart

In the south, we believe you can openly express your opinion about someone as long as you say "bless his/her/their heart" after it. Now I'm not much on bashing celebrities and I don't want to begin, but I'm just astonished at what this dear heart (who i'm sure means well) wears. Bless her heart!

Lady GaGa seems to be the new "it" celebrity. Everyone wants to be like her, dress like her, sing like her, act like her. I'm just a bit confused as to why? Now kudos to her for being different and dressing unique and for being her self, but seriously what are these outfits? Now, don't get me wrong, I am no fashion guru, I usually wear jeans and a plain solid tee. however, I'm pretty sure these exotic, wacky costumes (that's what they are, not outfits) are a bit over the top. Poor GaGa, bless her heart! She must not know any better. What's crazier to me is that all the celebrities want to dress just like her. What happened to being like Lauren Conrad or Jessica Simpson? Now everyone wants to be a "little monster." (GaGa's words, not mine). This is the mildest of the outfits she wore at the VMA's (bless her heart!).

This is another. Leather and spikes. Bless her heart. GaGa does have a great voice and does stand out for being different, but it saddens me to someone so cute and "innocent" (pertaining to Taylor's BEAUTIFUL song) crying for so much attention (or so it seems). Bless her heart!

Now this is the one. The one that put it over the top. The one that digusted me to a vile disgust. She is wearing meat. Yes, like steaks, bacon, tenderloins, meat you eat. EW! What is she thinking? IS she thinking? BLESS HER HEART! BLESS HER SOUL! she must not know how awful this truly is...or maybe it's just me??

What do you think? Do you like lady gaga's costumes? Or do you think they are repulsive?

Saturday, September 11, 2010

have your cake and eat it too...two??

This is the second post about our cakes. I promised a post on the chainsaw and "country boy" cake as soon as we finished. so here we go!

This is the infamous chainsaw cake. This was by far the hardest cake we've ever made. It was very tedious (sp?) and detailed. This cake was made specially for my little cousin, Richard. Richard is a unique little fella who is turning 16. What makes Richard different (in a good way) from everyone else in the family is that he is autistic. He is a character--a hoot! He understands just like we do, but he just can't express his thoughts or feelings like we can. One thing Richard loves is chainsaws!! He has his certain appliances that he loves. Weedeaters, blowers, vaccums, and of course CHAINSAWS! He is going to love this cake. I will be surprised if he lets them cut it and eat it. This was made by: Beth, Tiffany, and Tina.

Now this cake is definitely the most unique and personalized cake we've ever made. This cake can only be described in one word: Jonathan. Jonathan is my soon-to-be 22 year old cousin. You can't say he is redneck, hillbilly, country, hick, etc....no, no, no. Those just don't fit. He is countrier than the countriest. He asked, more like demanded, that he have a hunting, chicken coop, pond, rebel flag cake. This is what we came up with and he said it was PERFECT! My aunt T, Tina, is his mom and she said he is like a little kid. He keeps opening the fridge and saying "i can't believe y'all made it like this!" This is what we would classify as a country boy cake. Made by: Beth, Tiffany, and Tina.

I hope you enjoy looking at our cakes. And I will continue to post with our future cakes. I hope this blog takes the cake! ha.

Friday, September 10, 2010

have your cake and eat it too...

Here lately it seems like all I have been doing is helping make cakes. We have made so many birthday cakes this year for family. We (my mom and I) have made an assortment of different cakes. I want to start making them to sell. Momma says no it is just for family. I know they aren't perfect but they are too darn cute and pretty good (if i must say so myself). Since I have never talked about the cakes we make, I thought it would be a good idea to dedicate this blog to the cakes we have made this year.

This cake was made for my brother who just turned 20. He is a very big hunter (family thing) and wanted us to make him a duck hunting cake. This was probably one of the easiest cakes we made, but definitely a big hit amongst hunters and boys of the family. Made by: Beth, Tiffany and Tina (my aunt).

These cupcakes were made for Jessica, Tina's daughter. I hand-decorated every cupcake for her party. Talk about a busy day! I loved doing this for her because she is not just my cousin but like a sister to me--my best friend.

Jessica's 20th birthday cake. This is a two-tiered zebra and pink with polka dots cake. Jessica's is a sassafrass. She wanted zebra and polka dots so this is what we came up with. She loved it and it seemed to be a crowd pleaser. This cake was also made by mom, aunt T, and me.

This is precious Kinsey Rebekah. She wanted a pink and brown polka dot cake. She also wanted her horse from toy story 3 on the cake. Aunt T made the cake and kinsey and hudson (my little brother) decorated it. I stood by to supervise the two little ones. They did great! They were very proud of this cake!!

This is one of my favorite cakes we made. Hudson's 7th party was a cowboy themed party. This is a two-tiered cow patterned, blue bandana cake. We made the haybells out of rice krispy treats and the star (sheriff badge) is a sugar cookie decorated. Made by: Beth, Tiffany and Tina.

This last cake is actually the first cake we ever made. This was my 21st birthday cake. I wanted a 3 tiered zebra and pink cake with a black bow. Mom, my other aunt, Teresa, cousin Lexi, and I made this cake. This was by far the hardest and lengthy (time wise) cake we have ever done. Of course, mine would be the most difficult. It of course is my favorite of all the cakes (probably a bit biased). I had a big 21st birthday bash with around 100 people at my party. This cake fed everyone. We also had cupcakes for back up. This cake made my birthday etra special for me.

Today we have to make a "country boy" theme cake and a chainsaw cake. These are probably going to be the most different and most detailed cakes we will make so far. I will be sure to upload the pics as soon as we get them finished. I am nervouse about these two cakes. Say a little pray that everything turns out right. Until later, remember it is okay to have your cake and eat it too!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

life since my last post.

Summer's over! Well not officially until the 21st (i know), but when school starts back and we have labor day, to me, summer's over. It is sad to say, but i'm ready for fall! Fall is by far my favorite time of year. I love college football. GO BIG ORANGE (for now, i'll explain later). I love hunting. Deer season for bow hunting opens in a few weeks. We also took a family vacation to st. louis for the labor day weekend and to see the cardinals play some ball!

St. louis was a blast! We got to do so many different activities for the boys and they loved it! My oldest brother, Tyler, didn't get to come. He chose to go to pickwick on a TN river run! ha. So it was just me, momma, daddy, hunter and hudson.

Here we are at the St. Louis Cardinals baseball game. If you know my family, you know we are very much a "baseball" family. All my brothers play or have played baseball since t-ball. They love it. And we love to watch it. It is by far my favorite sport to watch. Although our cards lost this game, they won the 3-game series so we were still pleased. GO CARDS!

This is the family at Pujols 5. This is Albert Pujols' (plays for the cardinals) restaurant. We are holding his ESPY award. Well actually, i'm holding it and refused to let go of it. ha! I felt honored to hold such an award that was his. Oh and the food was great! I would recommend his place to anyone who is going to St. Louis.

We also went to the zoo in st. louis on sunday. it's a free zoo! how awesome, but how crowded! It was a great day to be at the zoo--absolutely perfect weather! All in all it was a good experience (even if we did wait an hour and a half to park. yes that's right!)

Last, but not least, we went to the mall....SHOPPING! ha. I'm not much of a shopper, but i love outdoor stores and buying baby caysen adily stuff. We went to the mills mall in st. louis which is sort of like the mills in nashville. they had a CABELA'S!

Here we are enjoying "the other bass pro shop." It was so awesome inside. Yes, we went to other stores shopping. My mom and I went to every baby store looking for Caysen. Caysen is going to be my first little niece! I'm going to be an aunt for the first time and i'm so excited! Caysen adily is due on Christmas day. She is going to be spoiled rotten. I got her three outfits and some accessories and mom got her three outfits. and that was just one shopping trip. ha! I can't wait for her to get her. She is going to love auntie T!

Well this is my update since my last post. Now that school has started back (senior year) i will be blogging more. Y'all be sure to watch for more.