Saturday, September 11, 2010

have your cake and eat it too...two??

This is the second post about our cakes. I promised a post on the chainsaw and "country boy" cake as soon as we finished. so here we go!

This is the infamous chainsaw cake. This was by far the hardest cake we've ever made. It was very tedious (sp?) and detailed. This cake was made specially for my little cousin, Richard. Richard is a unique little fella who is turning 16. What makes Richard different (in a good way) from everyone else in the family is that he is autistic. He is a character--a hoot! He understands just like we do, but he just can't express his thoughts or feelings like we can. One thing Richard loves is chainsaws!! He has his certain appliances that he loves. Weedeaters, blowers, vaccums, and of course CHAINSAWS! He is going to love this cake. I will be surprised if he lets them cut it and eat it. This was made by: Beth, Tiffany, and Tina.

Now this cake is definitely the most unique and personalized cake we've ever made. This cake can only be described in one word: Jonathan. Jonathan is my soon-to-be 22 year old cousin. You can't say he is redneck, hillbilly, country, hick,, no, no. Those just don't fit. He is countrier than the countriest. He asked, more like demanded, that he have a hunting, chicken coop, pond, rebel flag cake. This is what we came up with and he said it was PERFECT! My aunt T, Tina, is his mom and she said he is like a little kid. He keeps opening the fridge and saying "i can't believe y'all made it like this!" This is what we would classify as a country boy cake. Made by: Beth, Tiffany, and Tina.

I hope you enjoy looking at our cakes. And I will continue to post with our future cakes. I hope this blog takes the cake! ha.

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