Tuesday, September 28, 2010

ten on tuesday

This is going to be my new "every tuesday" blog to fall on. If you want to play along just copy this image and think of the top ten things that falls under the given category. For example, this week's Ten on Tuesday will be "10 things you can't live without."
So here are my "10 things i can't live without:"
1. my makeup.
Oh my! I never leave the house without my make up. i would not dare walk into public with my naked face. ha! i'm sure everyone else out there are natural beauties and could walk around without make up on and no one would notice, but i look dead without my make up. and yes that includes when i go deer hunting at 5 AM, i'm wearing that make up. to see my daily make up, scroll down a few blogs to Fashionista Friday!
2. OPI nail polish.
OPI has all the perfect shades and perfect coverage! I love this stuff. I use it weekly, sometimes daily, according on if I need my nails repainted or not. i'm not a fan of chipped nails. ew! if i'm out in public and see chipped nails, i am mortified, completely chawed! If this was "Not Me Monday," i would say, "it's not me who carries back up polish in my purse in case of a nail emergency. oh no! i would just wait until i got home to fix them. i would never be so high maintenance."
3. B-I-B-L-E.
my bible is my rock! I always didn't understand why people said, "i wish life came with an instruction manual." IT DOES! It's called a Bible and it gives you advice, comfort, encouragement, what to do, what not to do, stories, parables, miracles, and life lessons all in one. It's the ultimate "self-help book," because it teaches you not to help yourself, but to lean on the One who is the greatest help. I could not live without my Bible.
5. mexican food.
YUM! my favorite of all favorites is mexican food. Yes, i probably could live without it, but i eat it so much i do not know if my body would function correctly if i went a week without eating mexican food. chips and salsa...mmmm. ha! it's sad to say i honestly do eat mexican at least once a week sometimes 2 0r 3 0r 4 times a week.
6. cardinals baseball.
Baseball in general is something i have been around my whole life. I hate when winter rolls around. Luckily, i am hunting all winter so that keeps me occupied until spiring again for BASEBALL! The cardinals are my favorite and the best. ha! I love my boys.
6. silver jeans.
They are the greatest jean ever invented. If you have never had a pair of silvers, i highly advise you to go buy a pair right now. They fit perfectly and they are always very cute. They are a bit more expensive than your typical old navy or target jeans but they are ten times better. Try them and let me know what you think! I couldn't ever switch back to my cheap old navy ones. American Eagle run a close second though.
7. sweet tea.
Being born and raised in the south, it's like all you know is sweet tea from birth. This summer i went to st. louis (to watch my cardinals), and they didn't have sweet tea. WHAT?! I didn't think i was going to live. I know i didn't function right anyways. people probably thought i was nuts. Every restaurant we went to, my entire family (naturally, not thinking) would order sweet tea. and EVERY TIME, they would say i'm sorry we don't have sweet tea.... bless their heart. They don't what they are missing out on!
8. technology.
ok i couldn't decide between facebook or my cell phone or reality tv so i chose technology to cover all of them. This is probably not a good thing, i know. but it's true. i check facebook daily, if not 40 times daily. ha! and my phone never leaves my side. you never know when you're going to get a good text. and i love reality tv shows. I know the "reality" part is probably not so real, but i'm a junkie when it comes to reality shows. name it, i love it.
9. the south in general.
the south is a beautiful place. the accents, the atmosphere, the attitudes (hospitality), the aroma, the activities, and the animals. how can you not love it?! it really isn't just a place, it's a way of life. i mean you have those handsome southern gents and those adorable southern belles. you have SEC football and Saturday fishin'. there hunting early in the morning and hunting late in the evening. it's yes ma'am and no sir. sweet tea and steel magnolias. our slow paced life actually allows us to live life. our faith and our food are rooted hard. you can't help but love the south!
10. family and friends.
well of course we can't live without our family and friends! Daddy, Momma, and 3 brothers. Aunts, uncles, and cousins galore. i love my family. my big, crazy, obnoxious family. and my friends. love them too1 i know i can always count on my family and friends to get me through good times and bad times. i also can't leave out my precious jake addison. no way i could live without my wuppy! (even if he is an out-of-control 70 lb. chocolate lab) he is still a "wuppy" to me.
So what are your "ten things you can't live without?"

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