Friday, September 24, 2010

Fashionista Friday #1!

This is the first official "Fashionista Friday" blog! This is going to be a blog for every Friday to tell about your favorite beuty products. All girls LOVE beauty products! This is going to be a blog to share all our top beauty secrets and ideas! Get ready ladies, we are in for a treat. Thanks to for starting this fabulous, fun blog!

The first "Fashionista Friday" is going to be daily products. This one is going to be the starter and longest one. Each week after will be one or two beauty products. But for now, here we go!
Starting with the FACE. I always wear these three products every day! my MAC NW20 is perfect for me. Absolutely stunning and no lines (thanks to the fabulous makeup artist at MAC). Also, i hate a shiny face. stay matte pressed powder does a wonderful job to hide the shine from the foundation. A wet-looking face just looks....greasy! and last the fabulous MAC bronzing powder. Always a plus to look sun kissed. These are my 3 never changing items.

Next is EYES. These are my three favorite daily things for my eyes. First, eyeliner by Maybelline. It is by far my favorite eyeliner. I don't like pencils, because they hurt. and liquid is out of the question. The twisty kind with the smush thing at the end are the best by far (for me). It gives that natural look and not a dark straight line. Next is the eye shadow. MAC makes a beautiful silver color called electra. Perfect to make my blue eyes pop! Mascara is the next and still an iffy thing. I have never found my perfect mascara. I don't have those lengthy full lashes that every girl dreams of so I try to find good mascara to help boost my lashes. My newest mascara is Avon full black mascara. I'm still not 100% in love with it, but I never have with any of my mascara. So I am needing some advice. Help girls! What kind of mascara do you use? I need to find my perfect mascara too!

Next is Body porducts. These are my three every day faves. First is deodorant. Yes it is a beauty product. Good hygeine is beauty. I love Lady speed stick 24 hour protection with stainguard. It is a great deodorant. NO B.O.! JUICY COUTURE!! this is my next thing and my absolute favorite! I go through a bottle of this stuff in 6 months. It is the best perfume ever. This is their newest scent viva la juicy. YUM! Everyone must try it! Last is my hand sanitizer from bath and body works. Yes, this is a daily, more like hourly, use. I love this stuff! My favorite is fresh market apple. mmm! talk about cleaning smell good hands!
Last is the hair products. My three daily faves are blonde shampoo, blonde conditioner, and my chi products. Blonde, blonde, and blonde. gotta keep my hair color nice and fresh, so using these blonde products keep my color longer and fresher. ha! oh and my chi is the bomb. Yes it works miracles. I'll swear by it. BUT be sure to use the chi ironguard spray. So you won't fry your hair!
This is my daily beauty products. Be sure to upload yours and share your secrets. And try some of these. You'll be sure to love them!

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