Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Give Thanks.

"Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations." Psalm 100:4-5
I love thanksgiving. Not just for the food, football, and shopping, but because thanksgiving reminds me of just how blessed I am. We should not wait until Thanksgiving day or even the month of November to be thankful. We should have a constant attitude of thanksgiving. But we don't. It's like we almost forget. With all the problems, trials, and hectic daily business we have to tend to forget about how truly blessed we are. So today I want to dedicate my blog to giving thanks.
I am thankful for the Lord's mercy and grace. He gave more than we ever deserved. He gave his only son, just for me and you. He allowed his son to pay a debt He did not owe, so we could go to Heaven. We are so undeserving, yet we are so blessed. Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe.
I am thankful for my family. God allowed me to be born into a loud, big, crazy family, but it's a family of love and laughter. I have been blessed with this awesome and obnoxious family. And I am thankful for that!
I am thankful for good, godly parents. No they aren't perfect. No one is. However, they have been great role models for me and my siblings. I am so thankful my parents are still together. I am blessed not to have to experience living in a broken home family.
I am thankful for my brothers. Yes, I have lost my mind. ha! No really though, they are all great and make my life interesting. I am blessed to have siblings to have fun with and share secrets with. I love my bubbies!
I am thankful for my friends. I have learned it's not about who you've known the longest, but who has never left your side. Friends get you through the most difficult times. I have been blessed with some of the greatest friends that I can lean on in my darkest hours--that I can trust.
I am thankful for the South. ha, you knew it was coming! But how could you not be thankful for this. I grew up with a southern way of life. It taught me to be thankful, to realize I'm blessed, and to be proud of all I have (even if all I have is this). I am so blessed and glad I was raised in the South.
I am thankful for our country. For the men and women who fight daily for us to keep our freedom. For those who did fight for us to have freedom. Those who have sacrificed their lives for us to be be blessed. I want to send a big "THANK YOU" to all of you. We don't deserve your courageness. But we are blessed, because of you. All have gave some, but some have gave all for me to be blessed.
I am thankful for our freedom. Because of that freedom, we can speak how we wish and worship God, the real and only God, without being persecuted for it. We can go to church and learn about God. We have preachers who do not fear what man can do unto them. I have been blessed to have such an awesome church and to experience other awesome churches around our great nation. I have been blessed with hearing many preachers and to have some great pastors.

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